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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
2,340건 중 500건 출력
3/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Who Is the Identifiable Victim? Caste and Charitable Giving in Modern India 미리보기
Ashwini Deshpande ; Dean Spears University of Chicago Press 2016
22 저널기사 Unilateral Facilitation Does Not Raise International Labor Migration from the Philippines 미리보기
Emily A. Beam ; David McKenzie ; Dean Yang University of Chicago Press 2016
23 저널기사 Precolonial Political Centralization and Contemporary Development in Uganda 미리보기
Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay ; Elliott Green University of Chicago Press 2016
24 저널기사 Gender, Race, and Heterogeneous Effects of Epidemic Malaria on Human Capital and Income 미리보기
Samantha B. Rawlings University of Chicago Press 2016
25 저널기사 Ethnic Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Formal Education in Nigeria 미리보기
Pritha Dev ; Blessing U. Mberu ; Roland Pongou University of Chicago Press 2016
26 저널기사 Altruism, Cooperation, and Efficiency: Agricultural Production in Polygynous Households 미리보기
Richard Akresh ; Joyce J. Chen ; Charity T. Moore University of Chicago Press 2016
27 저널기사 Can Subjective Questions on Economic Welfare Be Trusted? 미리보기
Martin Ravallion ; Kristen Himelein ; Kathleen Beegle University of Chicago Press 2016
28 저널기사 Effect of inorganic and organic sources of nutrients on physico-chemical composition of mango (Mangifera indica L) cv. Amrapali 미리보기
Rajnee Sharma;P.K. Jain;T.R. Sharma New Delhi Publishers 2016
29 저널기사 Agripreneurial attitude among the farmers of national capital region of Delhi 미리보기
Dipika Hajong;R.N. Padaria New Delhi Publishers 2016
30 저널기사 Marketing channel vis-a-vis economic viability of ornamental fish cum aquarium business in Agartala, Tripura 미리보기
Bonani Laskar;Biswarup Saha;Atanu Sarkar New Delhi Publishers 2016
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