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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
2,340건 중 500건 출력
7/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Impact of ASEAN-India free trade agreement on Indian dairy trade: A simulation analysis 미리보기
Bitan Mondal;Smita Sirohi New Delhi Publishers 2016
62 저널기사 Economic analysis of commercial processing of fermented fish product (Matka shidal) and its marketing in North-East region of India 미리보기
Anil Datt Upadhyay New Delhi Publishers 2016
63 저널기사 Evaluating perceived effectiveness of specialized trainings on pig farming 미리보기
J.S. Hundal;Udeybir Singh;J.S. Bhatti;S.K. Kansal New Delhi Publishers 2016
64 저널기사 Instability in groundnut production in eastern regions-a relook 미리보기
Kalyan Bhattacharyya;Arabinda Mitra New Delhi Publishers 2016
65 저널기사 Technical, economic and allocative efficiencies of rice farms in Nalgonda district of Telangana state 미리보기
A. Samarpitha;N. Vasudev;K. Suhasini New Delhi Publishers 2016
66 저널기사 Identification of research & development prospects in small-scale food processing industries 미리보기
Vister Joshi;Sachin Gondkar;A.K. Godara;P.S. Shehrawat New Delhi Publishers 2016
67 저널기사 Sustainable groundwater management through energy pricing: Evidences from north gujarat region of Gujarat, India 미리보기
O.P. Singh;P.K. Singh;Rakesh Singh;H.P. Singh New Delhi Publishers 2016
68 저널기사 Economics of milk production and cost elasticity analysis in Sirsa district of Haryana 미리보기
Priyanka Lal;B.S. Chandel New Delhi Publishers 2016
69 저널기사 Effect of inputs integration on yield, uptake and economics of Kodo Millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) 미리보기
B.S. Dwivedi;A.K. Rawat;B.K. Dixit;R.K. Thakur New Delhi Publishers 2016
70 저널기사 Dynamics of production and export in transformation of tea plantation sector in India 미리보기
Udeshna Talukdar New Delhi Publishers 2016
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