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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Bailouts, Time Inconsistency, and Optimal Regulation: A Macroeconomic View 미리보기
Chari, V. V.; Kehoe, Patrick J. American Economic Association 2016
82 저널기사 Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, and the Risk Premium 미리보기
Engel, Charles American Economic Association 2016
83 저널기사 Properties of the Combinatorial Clock Auction 미리보기
Levin, Jonathan; Skrzypacz, Andrzej American Economic Association 2016
84 저널기사 Runs on Money Market Mutual Funds 미리보기
Schmidt, Lawrence; Timmermann, Allan; Wermers, Russ American Economic Association 2016
85 저널기사 The Agricultural Origins of Time Preference 미리보기
Galor, Oded; Özak, Ömer American Economic Association 2016
86 저널기사 Regional Redistribution through the US Mortgage Market 미리보기
Hurst, Erik; Keys, Benjamin J.; Seru, Amit; Vavra, Joseph American Economic Association 2016
87 저널기사 The Power of Forward Guidance Revisited 미리보기
McKay, Alisdair; Nakamura, Emi; Steinsson, Jón American Economic Association 2016
88 저널기사 Battling over Jobs: Occupational Licensing in Health Care 미리보기
Kleiner, Morris M. American Economic Association 2016
89 저널기사 Identity Economics 2016: Where Do Social Distinctions and Norms Come From? 미리보기
Kranton, Rachel E. American Economic Association 2016
90 저널기사 Making Private Data Accessible in an Opaque Industry: The Experience of the Private Capital Research Institute 미리보기
Jeng, Leslie; Lerner, Josh American Economic Association 2016
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