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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2016 삭제
American Accounting Association. 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Do False Financial Statements Distort Peer Firms' Decisions? 미리보기
Li, Valerie American Accounting Association. 2016
32 저널기사 Baruch Lev and Feng Gu The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers 미리보기
Zimmerman, Jerold L. American Accounting Association. 2016
33 저널기사 One Size Does Not Fit All: How the Uniform Rules of FIN 48 Affect the Relevance of Income Tax Accounting 미리보기
Robinson, Leslie A.; Stomberg, Bridget; Towery, Erin M. American Accounting Association. 2016
34 저널기사 Team-Oriented Leadership and Auditors' Willingness to Raise Audit Issues 미리보기
Nelson, Mark W.; Proell, Chad A.; Randel, Amy E. American Accounting Association. 2016
35 저널기사 Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management 미리보기
Cheng, Qiang; Lee, Jimmy; Shevlin, Terry American Accounting Association. 2016
36 저널기사 Client Conservatism and Auditor-Client Contracting 미리보기
Defond, Mark L.; Lim, Chee Yeow; Zang, Yoonseok American Accounting Association. 2016
37 저널기사 Spreading the Word: Price Discovery and Newswire Dissemination of Management Earnings Guidance 미리보기
Twedt, Brady American Accounting Association. 2016
38 저널기사 Monetary Incentives, Feedback, and Recognition—Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Retail Services Company 미리보기
Lourenço, Sofia M. American Accounting Association. 2016
39 저널기사 Managerial Performance Evaluation and Real Options 미리보기
Baldenius, Tim; Nezlobin, Alexander A.; Vaysman, Igor American Accounting Association. 2016
40 저널기사 Internal Control Opinion Shopping and Audit Market Competition 미리보기
Newton, Nathan J.; Persellin, Julie S.; Wang, Dechun; Wilkins, Michael S. American Accounting Association. 2016
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