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2016 삭제
American Accounting Association. 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Do Income Tax-Related Deficiencies in Publicly Disclosed PCAOB Part II Reports Influence Audit Client Financial Reporting of Income Tax Accounts? 미리보기
Drake, Katharine D.; Goldman, Nathan C.; Lusch, Stephen J. American Accounting Association. 2016
52 저널기사 Risk Disclosure Preceding Negative Outcomes: The Effects of Reporting Critical Audit Matters on Judgments of Auditor Liability 미리보기
Brasel, Kelsey; Doxey, Marcus M.; Grenier, Jonathan H.; Reffett, Andrew American Accounting Association. 2016
53 저널기사 Dynamic Decision Making Using the Balanced Scorecard Framework 미리보기
Humphreys, Kerry A.; Gary, Michael Shayne; Trotman, Ken T. American Accounting Association. 2016
54 저널기사 Credit Derivatives and Analyst Behavior 미리보기
Batta, George Eli; Qiu, Jiaping; Yu, Fan American Accounting Association. 2016
55 저널기사 Cost of Capital Free-Riders 미리보기
Baginski, Stephen P.; Hinson, Lisa A. American Accounting Association. 2016
56 저널기사 Who's the Fairest of Them All? Evidence from Closed-End Funds 미리보기
Lawrence, Alastair; Siriviriyakul, Subprasiri; Sloan, Richard G. American Accounting Association. 2016
57 저널기사 Do Socially Responsible Firms Pay More Taxes? 미리보기
Davis, Angela K.; Guenther, David A.; Krull, Linda K.; Williams, Brian M. American Accounting Association. 2016
58 저널기사 The ``Big'' Consequences of IFRS: How and When Does the Adoption of IFRS Benefit Global Accounting Firms? 미리보기
Wieczynska, Maria American Accounting Association. 2016
59 저널기사 Real Earnings Management and Long-Term Operating Performance: The Role of Reversals in Discretionary Investment Cuts 미리보기
Vorst, Patrick American Accounting Association. 2016
60 저널기사 Come on Over: Analyst/Investor Days as a Disclosure Medium 미리보기
Kirk, Marcus P.; Markov, Stanimir American Accounting Association. 2016
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