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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Property Taxation, Zoning, and Efficiency in a Dynamic Tiebout Model 미리보기
Barseghyan, Levon; Coate, Stephen American Economic Association 2016
122 저널기사 Controlling Health Care Costs through Limited Network Insurance Plans: Evidence from Massachusetts State Employees 미리보기
Gruber, Jonathan; McKnight, Robin American Economic Association 2016
123 저널기사 The Impact of Insurance Provision on Household Production and Financial Decisions 미리보기
Cai, Jing American Economic Association 2016
124 저널기사 Exchange Efficiency with Weak Ownership Rights 미리보기
Bar-Gill, Oren; Persico, Nicola American Economic Association 2016
125 저널기사 Population Size Effects in the Structural Development of England 미리보기
Leukhina, Oksana M.; Turnovsky, Stephen J. American Economic Association 2016
126 저널기사 The Long-Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families 미리보기
Aizer, Anna; Eli, Shari; Ferrie, Joseph; Lleras-Muney, Adriana American Economic Association 2016
127 저널기사 Paid Parental Leave Laws in the United States: Does Short-Duration Leave Affect Women's Labor-Force Attachment? 미리보기
Byker, Tanya S. American Economic Association 2016
128 저널기사 A Simple Model of Subprime Borrowers and Credit Growth 미리보기
Justiniano, Alejandro; Primiceri, Giorgio E.; Tambalotti, Andrea American Economic Association 2016
129 저널기사 Revenue and Incentive Effects of Basis Step-Up at Death: Lessons from the 2010 ``Voluntary'' Estate Tax Regime 미리보기
Gordon, Robert; Joulfaian, David; Poterba, James American Economic Association 2016
130 저널기사 The Bidder's Curse: Reply 미리보기
Malmendier, Ulrike American Economic Association 2016
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