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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Firm Entry and Macroeconomic Dynamics: A State-Level Analysis 미리보기
Gourio, François; Messer, Todd; Siemer, Michael American Economic Association 2016
142 저널기사 Can We Restart the Recovery All Over Again? 미리보기
Taylor, John B. American Economic Association 2016
143 저널기사 The Econometrics of Matching Models 미리보기
Chiappori, Pierre-André; Salanié, Bernard American Economic Association] 2016
144 저널기사 Hirsch, Barton J. Job Skills and Minority Youth: New Program Directions 미리보기
Johnson, Matthew T. American Economic Association] 2016
145 저널기사 Hayami, Akira. Japan's Industrious Revolution: Economic and Social Transformations in the Early Modern Period 미리보기
Mosk, Carl American Economic Association] 2016
146 저널기사 Why Organizations Fail: Models and Cases 미리보기
Garicano, Luis; Rayo, Luis American Economic Association] 2016
147 저널기사 A Quantitative Review of Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family by Carbone and Cahn 미리보기
Cornelson, Kirsten; Siow, Aloysius American Economic Association] 2016
148 저널기사 The Politics of Financial Development: A Review of Calomiris and Haber's Fragile by Design 미리보기
Rousseau, Peter L. American Economic Association] 2016
149 저널기사 Did Science Cause the Industrial Revolution? 미리보기
Gráda, Cormac Ó. American Economic Association] 2016
150 저널기사 Regulatory Races: The Effects of Jurisdictional Competition on Regulatory Standards 미리보기
Carruthers, Bruce G.; Lamoreaux, Naomi R. American Economic Association] 2016
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