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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 The Response of Tail Risk Perceptions to Unconventional Monetary Policy 미리보기
Hattori, Masazumi; Schrimpf, Andreas; Sushko, Vladyslav American Economic Association 2016
202 저널기사 Extended Unemployment Benefits and Early Retirement: Program Complementarity and Program Substitution 미리보기
Inderbitzin, Lukas; Staubli, Stefan; Zweimüller, Josef American Economic Association 2016
203 저널기사 The Long-Run Effects of Attending an Elite School: Evidence from the United Kingdom 미리보기
Clark, Damon; Del Bono, Emilia American Economic Association 2016
204 저널기사 Immigrants Equilibrate Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Great Recession 미리보기
Cadena, Brian C.; Kovak, Brian K. American Economic Association 2016
205 저널기사 Exploitative Innovation 미리보기
Heidhues, Paul; Kőszegi, Botond; Murooka, Takeshi American Economic Association 2016
206 저널기사 Social Learning with Costly Search 미리보기
Mueller-Frank, Manuel; Pai, Mallesh M. American Economic Association 2016
207 저널기사 The Crisis in Economic Theory: A Review Essay 미리보기
Hoover, Kevin D. American Economic Association] 2016
208 저널기사 Timmer, C. Peter. Food Security and Scarcity: Why Ending Hunger Is So Hard 미리보기
Thorbecke, Erik American Economic Association] 2016
209 저널기사 Robertson, Iain. Understanding Art Markets: Inside the World of Art and Business 미리보기
Throsby, David American Economic Association] 2016
210 저널기사 Affirmative Action: One Size Does Not Fit All 미리보기
Krishna, Kala; Tarasov, Alexander American Economic Association 2016
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