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2016 삭제
American Marketing Association] 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Customer Acquisition and Retention Spending: An Analytical Model and Empirical Investigation in Wireless Telecommunications Markets 미리보기
Min, Sungwook; Zhang, Xubing; Kim, Namwoon; Srivastava, Rajendra K. American Marketing Association] 2016
22 저널기사 Keeping the American Dream Alive: The Interactive Effect of Perceived Economic Mobility and Materialism on Impulsive Spending 미리보기
Yoon, Sunyee; Kim, Hyeongmin Christian American Marketing Association] 2016
23 저널기사 Capturing Context-Sensitive Information Usage in Choice Models via Mixtures of Information Archetypes 미리보기
Swait, Joffre; Popa, Monica; Wang, Luming American Marketing Association] 2016
24 저널기사 What a Waste! Exploring the Human Reality of Food Waste from the Store Manager's Perspective 미리보기
Gruber, Verena; Holweg, Christina; Teller, Christoph American Marketing Association 2016
25 저널기사 The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma 미리보기
Mirabito, Ann M.; Otnes, Cele C.; Crosby, Elizabeth; Wooten, David B.; Machin, Jane E.; Pullig, Chris; Adkins, Natalie Ross; Dunnett, Susan; Hamilton, Kathy; Thomas, Kevin D. American Marketing Association 2016
26 저널기사 When Should the Ask Be a Nudge? The Effect of Default Amounts on Charitable Donations 미리보기
Goswami, Indranil; Urminsky, Oleg American Marketing Association] 2016
27 저널기사 The Effect of Stress on Consumer Saving and Spending 미리보기
Durante, Kristina M.; Laran, Juliano American Marketing Association] 2016
28 저널기사 Homogeneous Contracts for Heterogeneous Agents: Aligning Sales Force Composition and Compensation 미리보기
Daljord, Øystein; Misra, Sanjog; Nair, Harikesh S. American Marketing Association] 2016
29 저널기사 Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Effect of Firm Strategy 미리보기
McAlister, Leigh; Srinivasan, Raji; Jindal, Niket; Cannella, Albert A. American Marketing Association] 2016
30 저널기사 An Empirical Examination of the FDAAA-Mandated Toll-Free Statement for Consumer Reporting of Side Effects in Direct-to-Consumer Television Advertisements 미리보기
Aikin, Kathryn J.; O Donoghue, Amie C.; Squire, Claudia M.; Sullivan, Helen W.; Betts, Kevin R. American Marketing Association 2016
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