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121건 중 121건 출력
9/13 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
American Marketing Association 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Sharing with Friends Versus Strangers: How Interpersonal Closeness Influences Word-of-Mouth Valence 미리보기
Dubois, David; Bonezzi, Andrea; De Angelis, Matteo American Marketing Association] 2016
82 저널기사 Knowing When to Spend: Unintended Financial Consequences of Earmarking to Encourage Savings 미리보기
Sussman, Abigail B.; O Brien, Rourke L. American Marketing Association] 2016
83 저널기사 Competitive Advantage Through Engagement 미리보기
Kumar, V.; Pansari, Anita American Marketing Association] 2016
84 저널기사 An Abnormally Abnormal Intangible: Stock Returns on Customer Satisfaction 미리보기
Fornell, Claes; Morgeson, Forrest V.; Hult, G. Tomas M. American Marketing Association 2016
85 저널기사 Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Wealth: The Role of Marketing Capability 미리보기
Mishra, Saurabh; Modi, Sachin B. American Marketing Association 2016
86 저널기사 Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing 미리보기
Katsikeas, Constantine S.; Morgan, Neil A.; Leonidou, Leonidas C.; Hult, G. Tomas M. American Marketing Association 2016
87 저널기사 Does the Customer Matter Most? Exploring Strategic Frontline Employees' Influence of Customers, the Internal Business Team, and External Business Partners 미리보기
Plouffe, Christopher R.; Bolander, Willy; Cote, Joseph A.; Hochstein, Bryan American Marketing Association 2016
88 저널기사 Understanding Value-Added Resellers' Assortments of Multicomponent Systems 미리보기
Ray, Sourav; Bergen, Mark E.; John, George American Marketing Association 2016
89 저널기사 Dynamic Relationship Marketing 미리보기
Zhang, Jonathan Z.; Watson, George F.; Palmatier, Robert W.; Dant, Rajiv P. American Marketing Association 2016
90 저널기사 Product Concept Demonstrations in Trade Shows and Firm Value 미리보기
Kim, Taewan; Mazumdar, Tridib American Marketing Association 2016
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