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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Learning from the Test: Raising Selective College Enrollment by Providing Information 미리보기
Goodman, Sarena Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
42 저널기사 The Medium Is the Measure: Technical Change and Employment, 1909-1949 미리보기
Alexopoulos, Michelle; Cohen, Jon Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
43 저널기사 Core Inflation and Trend Inflation 미리보기
Stock, James H.; Watson, Mark W. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
44 저널기사 Policy Regimes, Policy Shifts, and U.S. Business Cycles 미리보기
Bhattarai, Saroj; Lee, Jae Won; Park, Woong Yong Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
45 저널기사 Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity: Theory and Empirical Examples 미리보기
Shen, Shu; Zhang, Xiaohan Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
46 저널기사 Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples: Some Practical Advice 미리보기
Imbens, Guido W.; Kolesár, Michal Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
47 저널기사 Religious Identity and Economic Behavior 미리보기
Benjamin, Daniel J.; Choi, James J.; Fisher, Geoffrey Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
48 저널기사 Measuring the Level and Uncertainty of Trend Inflation 미리보기
Mertens, Elmar Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
49 저널기사 Survive Another Day: Using Changes in the Composition of Investments to Measure the Cost of Credit Constraints 미리보기
Garicano, Luis; Steinwender, Claudia Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
50 저널기사 Do Wage Subsidies Provide a Stepping-Stone to Employment for Recent College Graduates? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Jordan 미리보기
Groh, Matthew; Krishnan, Nandini; McKenzie, David; Vishwanath, Tara Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
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