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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Regulation W: Too Weighty to Get Wrong 미리보기
Ingber, Jeffrey F.; Weg, Andrew Risk Management Association 2016
82 저널기사 New Rules Fail to Deter Community Bank Mortgage Activities A study by the Government Accountability Office has concluded that community banks have remained active in servicing mortage loans despite new rules issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 미리보기
Mason, Bernard Risk Management Association 2016
83 저널기사 RMA's 2015 Annual Risk Management Conference Informs, Energizes, and Inspires 미리보기
Devlin, Frank; Krasowski, Stephen Risk Management Association 2016
84 저널기사 Book Review: Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner 미리보기
Strischek, Dev Risk Management Association 2016
85 저널기사 `Clean Data Is Cheaper than Dirty Data': Wisdom from RMA New York's Chief Data Officers Round Table 미리보기
Devlin, Frank Risk Management Association 2016
86 저널기사 Understanding Supply Chain Finance (Part 2) 미리보기
Frierson, John R. Risk Management Association 2016
87 저널기사 Seven Steps to a CECL-Compliant Model 미리보기
Closs, John Risk Management Association 2016
88 저널기사 Board Oversight of the Risks in Using Big Data and Advanced Analytics 미리보기
Yoost, Dean A.; Mathaisel, Bernard F. Risk Management Association 2016
89 저널기사 Model Risk Management: Identifying Trends and Divergences in Frameworks and Life Cycle Implementation (Part 1 of 2) In a two-part series, the author discusses the results of Deloitte's recent model risk management (MRM) survey, which sought to identify emerging MRM best practices and key implementation challenges in a more demanding regulatory environment. Part 1 focuses on model risk scope and definitions and the MRM framework 미리보기
Gromchenko, Ekaterina Risk Management Association 2016
90 저널기사 Academic Program: Meet the Future of Banking 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2016
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