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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
91건 중 91건 출력
4/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
Springer 삭제


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Does the blood-sucking nematode Ashworthius sidemi (Trichostrongylidae) cause deterioration of blood parameters in European bison (Bison bonasus)? 미리보기
Kołodziej-Sobocińska, M.; Demiaszkiewicz, A. W.; Pyziel, A. M.; Marczuk, B.; Kowalczyk, R. Springer 2016
32 저널기사 Interactions between four species in a complex wildlife: livestock disease community: implications for Mycobacterium bovis maintenance and transmission 미리보기
Cowie, C. E.; Hutchings, M. R.; Barasona, J. A.; Gortázar, C.; Vicente, J. n.; White, P. C. Springer 2016
33 저널기사 Effects of simulated removal activities on movements and space use of feral swine 미리보기
Fischer, J. W.; McMurtry, D.; Blass, C. R.; Walter, W. D.; Beringer, J.; VerCauteren, K. C. Springer 2016
34 저널기사 First recorded case of tiger killing Eurasian lynx 미리보기
Petrunenko, Y. K.; Polkovnikov, I. L.; Gilbert, M.; Miquelle, D. G. Springer 2016
35 저널기사 Investigating determinants of compliance with wildlife protection laws: bird persecution in Portugal 미리보기
Fairbrass, A.; Nuno, A.; Bunnefeld, N.; Milner-Gulland, E. Springer 2016
36 저널기사 Factors governing human fear of wolves: moderating effects of geographical location and standpoint on protected nature 미리보기
Johansson, M.; Sandström, C.; Pedersen, E.; Ericsson, G. r. Springer 2016
37 저널기사 Riparian ecosystem configuration influences mesocarnivores presence in Mediterranean landscapes 미리보기
Santos, M. J.; Rosalino, L. s.; Matos, H. M.; Santos-Reis, M. Springer 2016
38 저널기사 Limited hybridization between domestic sheep and the European mouflon in Western Germany 미리보기
Schröder, O.; Lieckfeldt, D.; Lutz, W.; Rudloff, C.; Frölich, K.; Ludwig, A. Springer 2016
39 저널기사 Dietary partitioning between European roe deer and European brown hare 미리보기
Sangiuliano, A.; Lovari, S.; Ferretti, F. Springer 2016
40 저널기사 Age- and season-specific variation in local and long-distance movement behavior of golden eagles 미리보기
Poessel, S. A.; Bloom, P. H.; Braham, M. A.; Katzner, T. E. Springer 2016
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