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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
91건 중 91건 출력
5/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
Springer 삭제


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 A multiplex set for microsatellite typing and sexing of the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) 미리보기
Bi, G.; Remedios, N.; Dawson, D. A.; Kingma, S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Dugdale, H. L. Springer 2016
42 저널기사 Influence of game crops on the distribution and productivity of red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa in Mediterranean woodlands 미리보기
Reino, L. s.; Borralho, R.; Arroyo, B. Springer 2016
43 저널기사 Emergence and expansion of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fibropapillomatosis in Slovakia 미리보기
Rajský, D. a.; Rajský, M.; Garaj, P.; Kropil, R.; Ivan, M. r.; Vodnansky, M.; Hanzal, V. r.; Erdélyi, K. r. Springer 2016
44 저널기사 Complementary use of density estimates and hunting statistics: different sides of the same story? 미리보기
Soininen, E. M.; Fuglei, E.; Pedersen, s. Springer 2016
45 저널기사 Long-distance dispersal connects Dinaric-Balkan and Alpine grey wolf (Canis lupus) populations 미리보기
Ražen, N.; Brugnoli, A.; Castagna, C.; Groff, C.; Kaczensky, P.; Kljun, F.; Knauer, F.; Kos, I.; Krofel, M.; Luštrik, R. Springer 2016
46 저널기사 Are farm-reared red-legged partridge releases increasing hunting pressure on wild breeding partridges in central Spain? 미리보기
Casas, F.; Arroyo, B.; Viñuela, J.; Guzmán, J. L.; Mougeot, F. Springer 2016
47 저널기사 Can poaching inadvertently contribute to increased public acceptance of wolves in Scandinavia? 미리보기
Kaltenborn, B. r.; Brainerd, S. M. Springer 2016
48 저널기사 Public segmentation based on the risk perception of brown bear attacks and management preferences 미리보기
Kubo, T.; Shoji, Y. Springer 2016
49 저널기사 Compared diets of sympatric beira antelopes and domestic goats in the growing season 미리보기
Giotto, N.; Picot, D.; Moussa, E.; Rech, J.; Maublanc, M. L.; Bideau, E.; Mohamed, N.; Gerard, J. F. Springer 2016
50 저널기사 Spreading of multilocular echinococcosis in southern Europe: the first record in foxes and jackals in Serbia, Vojvodina Province 미리보기
Lalošević, D. a.; Lalošević, V.; Simin, V.; Miljević, M.; Čabrilo, B.; Čabrilo, O. B. Springer 2016
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