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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
91건 중 91건 출력
7/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
Springer 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Quantifying the long-term decline of the West European hedgehog in England by subsampling citizen-science datasets 미리보기
Hof, A. R.; Bright, P. W. Springer 2016
62 저널기사 Gross intestinal morphometry and allometry in Carnivora 미리보기
McGrosky, A.; Navarrete, A.; Isler, K.; Langer, P.; Clauss, M. Springer 2016
63 저널기사 Infections shared with wildlife: an updated perspective 미리보기
Gortázar, C.; Ruiz-Fons, J. F.; Höfle, U. Springer 2016
64 저널기사 Rediscovering the Arabian sand cat (Felis margarita harrisoni) after a gap of 10 years using camera traps in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 미리보기
Ahmed, S.; Al Zaabi, R.; Soorae, P.; Shah, J. N.; Al Hammadi, E.; Pusey, R.; Al Dhaheri, S. Springer 2016
65 저널기사 Hare harvest and EBHS virus prevalence in differently populated Mediterranean ecotopes 미리보기
Sokos, C.; Giannakopoulos, A.; Papaspyropoulos, K.; Touloudi, A.; Birtsas, P.; Spyrou, V.; Valiakos, G.; Tsokana, C.; Sfougaris, A.; Billinis, C. Springer 2016
66 저널기사 Efficacy of non-lead rifle ammunition for hunting in Denmark 미리보기
Kanstrup, N.; Balsby, T. J.; Thomas, V. G. Springer 2016
67 저널기사 Spatial organisation of European badger (Meles meles) in northern Italy as assessed by camera-trapping 미리보기
Balestrieri, A.; Cardarelli, E.; Pandini, M.; Remonti, L.; Saino, N.; Prigioni, C. Springer 2016
68 저널기사 Response of the red fox to expansion of human habitation in the Trans-Himalayan mountains 미리보기
Ghoshal, A.; Bhatnagar, Y. V.; Mishra, C.; Suryawanshi, K. Springer 2016
69 저널기사 Wildlife and livestock use of extensive farm resources in South Central Spain: implications for disease transmission 미리보기
Carrasco-Garcia, R.; Barasona, J. A.; Gortazar, C.; Montoro, V.; Sanchez-Vizcaino, J. M.; Vicente, J. Springer 2016
70 저널기사 Exploring nest destruction and bird mortality in mown Mediterranean dry grasslands: an increasing threat to grassland bird conservation 미리보기
Faria, N.; Morales, M. B.; Rabaça, J. o. Springer 2016
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