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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
39건 중 39건 출력
2/4 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제
University of Wisconsin 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Farmer Transaction Costs of Participating in Federal Conservation Programs: Magnitudes and Determinants 미리보기
McCann, Laura; Claassen, Roger University of Wisconsin 2016
12 저널기사 Causes and Consequences of Perceived Land Tenure Insecurity: Survey Evidence from Burkina Faso 미리보기
Linkow, Benjamin University of Wisconsin 2016
13 저널기사 The Fischler Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Land Prices 미리보기
Feichtinger, Paul; Salhofer, Klaus University of Wisconsin 2016
14 저널기사 A Production Function Analysis of Fisheries and Habitat 미리보기
Armstrong, Claire W.; Foley, Naomi S.; Kahui, Viktoria University of Wisconsin 2016
15 저널기사 Improving Voluntary Water Quality Conservation 미리보기
Savage, Jeff; Ribaudo, Marc University of Wisconsin 2016
16 저널기사 Residential Development and Wildland Fire Suppression 미리보기
Clark, Anna M.; Rashford, Benjamin S.; McLeod, Donald M.; Lieske, Scott N.; Coupal, Roger H.; Albeke, Shannon E. University of Wisconsin 2016
17 저널기사 The Organization of Land Surrounding Airports 미리보기
Flores-Fillo, Ricardo; Garcia-López, Miquel-Àngel; Nicolini, Rosella University of Wisconsin 2016
18 저널기사 The Effect of Natural Space on Nearby Property Prices: Accounting for Perceived Attractiveness 미리보기
Daams, Michiel N.; Sijtsma, Frans J.; van der Vlist, Arno J. University of Wisconsin 2016
19 저널기사 Nudges and Permanence in Agri-environmental Schemes 미리보기
Kuhfuss, Laure; Préget, Raphaële; Thoyer, Sophie; Hanley, Nick; Le Coent, Philippe; Désolé, Mathieu University of Wisconsin 2016
20 저널기사 What Drives Municipal Wastewater Reuse in Florida? 미리보기
Kuwayama, Yusuke; Kamen, Hannah University of Wisconsin 2016
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