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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
5,499건 중 500건 출력
16/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 ‘Enhanced Support for High Intensity Users of the Criminal Justice System’: An Evaluation of Mental Health Nurse Input into Integrated Offender Management Services in the North East of England 미리보기
Wendy Dyer ; Paul Biddle Cambridge University Press 2016
152 저널기사 The Lives of Young Fathers: A Review of Selected Evidence 미리보기
Carmen Lau Clayton Cambridge University Press 2016
153 저널기사 Some Useful Sources 미리보기
Carmen Lau Clayton ; Laura Davies Cambridge University Press 2016
154 저널기사 Rethinking Social Policy and Society 미리보기
Christopher Deeming Cambridge University Press 2016
155 저널기사 Reconsidering the Housing Asset-Based Welfare Approach: Reflection from East Asian Experiences 미리보기
Misa Izuhara Cambridge University Press 2016
156 저널기사 Carers, Choice and Personalisation: What Do We Know? 미리보기
Mary Larkin ; Wendy Mitchell Cambridge University Press 2016
157 저널기사 Supporting Young Dads’ Journeys through Fatherhood 미리보기
Jessica Cundy Cambridge University Press 2016
158 저널기사 Access to Justice for Victims/Survivors of Elder Abuse: A Qualitative Study 미리보기
Alan Clarke ; John Williams ; Sarah Wydall Cambridge University Press 2016
159 저널기사 Complex Needs and Wicked Problems: How Social Disadvantage Became Multiple 미리보기
kylie valentine Cambridge University Press 2016
160 저널기사 Introduction: Intensive Family Support Services: Politics, Policy and Practice Across Contexts 미리보기
Harriet Churchill ; Robin Sen Cambridge University Press 2016
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