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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
171 저널기사 Social Rights of EU Migrant Citizens: Britain and Germany Compared 미리보기
Cecilia Bruzelius ; Elaine Chase ; Martin Seeleib-Kaiser Cambridge University Press 2016
172 저널기사 Introduction: Assessing the Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin American Societies in the Early Twenty-First Century 미리보기
Theodoros Papadopoulos ; Ricardo Velázquez Leyer Cambridge University Press 2016
173 저널기사 Economic and Political Inclusion in Human Development Conditional Income Transfer Programmes in Latin America 미리보기
Armando Barrientos ; Juan M. Villa Cambridge University Press 2016
174 저널기사 Two Decades of Social Investment in Latin America: Outcomes, Shortcomings and Achievements of Conditional Cash Transfers 미리보기
Theodoros Papadopoulos ; Ricardo Velázquez Leyer Cambridge University Press 2016
175 저널기사 Changing Service Provision in Rural Areas and the Possible Impact on Older People: A Case Example of Compulsory Post Office Closures and Outreach Services in England 미리보기
Charlotte Hamilton Cambridge University Press 2016
176 저널기사 More Education, Better Jobs? A Critical Review of CCTs and Brazil's Bolsa Família Programme for Long-Term Poverty Reduction 미리보기
Hayley Jones Cambridge University Press 2016
177 저널기사 The Social Investment Perspective, Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes and the Welfare Mix: Peru and Bolivia 미리보기
Nora Nagels Cambridge University Press 2016
178 저널기사 CCTs for Female Heads of Households and Market Citizenship at State-Level in Mexico 미리보기
Anahely Medrano Cambridge University Press 2016
179 저널기사 Some Useful Sources 미리보기
Theodoros Papadopoulos ; Ricardo Velázquez Leyer Cambridge University Press 2016
180 저널기사 CCTs through a wellbeing lens: The importance of the relationship between front-line officers and participants in the Oportunidades/Prospera programme in Mexico 미리보기
Viviana Ramírez Cambridge University Press 2016
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