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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
2,340건 중 500건 출력
43/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
421 저널기사 Recommendations for Further Reading 미리보기
Taylor, Timothy The Association 2016
422 저널기사 Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data 미리보기
Clark, Andrew E.; D Ambrosio, Conchita; Ghislandi, Simone Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
423 저널기사 Regional Policy Evaluation: Interactive Fixed Effects and Synthetic Controls 미리보기
Gobillon, Laurent; Magnac, Thierry Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
424 저널기사 Measuring Rationality with the Minimum Cost of Revealed Preference Violations 미리보기
Dean, Mark; Martin, Daniel Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
425 저널기사 The Price Is Right: Updating Inflation Expectations in a Randomized Price Information Experiment 미리보기
Armantier, Olivier; Nelson, Scott; Topa, Giorgio; van der Klaauw, Wilbert; Zafar, Basit Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
426 저널기사 Identification of Instrumental Variable Correlated Random Coefficients Models 미리보기
Masten, Matthew A.; Torgovitsky, Alexander Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
427 저널기사 War and Relatedness 미리보기
Spolaore, Enrico; Wacziarg, Romain Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
428 저널기사 Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Post-Secondary Degrees: Evidence from Chile 미리보기
Rodríguez, Jorge; Urzúa, Sergio; Reyes, Loreto University of Wisconsin Press] 2016
429 저널기사 Economic trends US economic growth is slowing but it is too early to say how this will impact closer to home 미리보기
Brettell, Ben Accountancy 2016
430 저널기사 The Preference for Belief Consonance 미리보기
Golman, Russell; Loewenstein, George; Moene, Karl Ove; Zarri, Luca The Association 2016
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
