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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
5,499건 중 500건 출력
47/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
461 저널기사 Abolishing Prague: essays and interventions 미리보기
unknown Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2016
462 저널기사 The Characterological Imperative: On Heckman, Humphries, and Kautz's The Myth of Achievement Tests: The GED and the Role of Character in American Life 미리보기
Sampson, Robert J. American Economic Association] 2016
463 저널기사 The contradictions of austerity: the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model 미리보기
Mikecz, Robert Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2016
464 저널기사 The Impact of the 1985 “Fassbinder Controversy” on Jewish Identity in Germany 미리보기
Cronin, Joseph Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2016
465 저널기사 Silencing Dissent 미리보기
Mengesha, Simegnish Yekoye National Endowment for Democracy 2016
466 저널기사 The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on Sales: A Meta-Analytic Review of Platform, Product, and Metric Factors 미리보기
Rosario, Ana Babić; Sotgiu, Francesca; De Valck, Kristine; Bijmolt, Tammo H. A. American Marketing Association] 2016
467 저널기사 Can Simple Mechanism Design Results be Used to Implement the Proportionality Standard in Discovery? 미리보기
Gelbach, Jonah B. J. C. B. Mohr 2016
468 저널기사 Halo (Spillover) Effects in Social Media: Do Product Recalls of One Brand Hurt or Help Rival Brands? 미리보기
Borah, Abhishek; Tellis, Gerard J. American Marketing Association] 2016
469 저널기사 Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Growth by Acquisitions: A Case Study from Emerging Markets 미리보기
Klonowski, Darek Institutional Investor 2016
470 저널기사 Coexistence of Small and Dominant Firms in Bertrand Competition: Judo Economics in the Lab 미리보기
Cracau, Daniel; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim J. C. B. Mohr 2016
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
