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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
471 저널기사 Are workers more vulnerable in tradable industries? 미리보기
Eliasson, K.; Hansson, P. r. Springer 2016
472 저널기사 School Accountability, Postsecondary Attainment, and Earnings 미리보기
Deming, David J.; Cohodes, Sarah; Jennings, Jennifer; Jencks, Christopher Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2016
473 저널기사 Do regional trade agreements really boost trade? Evidence from agricultural products 미리보기
Jean, S. b.; Bureau, J. C. Springer 2016
474 저널기사 (Dis-)integrating Ukraine? Domestic oligarchs, Russia, the EU, and the politics of economic integration 미리보기
Langbein, Julia V.H. Winston & Son 2016
475 저널기사 Beyond geopolitics: exploring the impact of the EU and Russia in the “contested neighborhood” 미리보기
Ademmer, Esther; Delcour, Laure; Wolczuk, Kataryna V.H. Winston & Son 2016
476 저널기사 Unemployment in the Great Recession: A Comparison of Germany, Canada, and the United States 미리보기
Hoffmann, Florian; Lemieux, Thomas University of Chicago Press 2016
477 저널기사 ICT use by households and firms in the EU: links and determinants from a multivariate perspective 미리보기
Billon, M.; Lera-Lopez, F.; Marco, R. Springer 2016
478 저널기사 Bernard Haykel, Thomas Hegghammer, and Stéphane Lacroix, Saudi Arabia in Transition: Insights on Social, Political, Economic, and Religious Change 미리보기
Jones, Calvert W. Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2016
479 저널기사 Abe's Faltering Efforts to Restart Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is struggling to carry out his bold plans for economic revitalization, while spending political capital on an unpopular security agenda 미리보기
Kingston, Jeff Events Pub. Co 2016
480 저널기사 What Does Debt Relief Do for Development? Evidence from India's Bailout for Rural Households 미리보기
Kanz, Martin American Economic Association 2016
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