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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2016 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Internal Control Opinion Shopping and Audit Market Competition 미리보기
Newton, Nathan J.; Persellin, Julie S.; Wang, Dechun; Wilkins, Michael S. American Accounting Association. 2016
72 저널기사 Cross-Border Financing by the Industrial Sector Increases Competition in the Domestic Banking Sector 미리보기
Jayaraman, Sudarshan; Kothari, S. P. American Accounting Association. 2016
73 저널기사 Foreign Portfolio Investment and Shareholder Dividend Taxes 미리보기
Amiram, Dan; Frank, Mary Margaret American Accounting Association. 2016
74 저널기사 Rethinking CPA Independence Using a Reliability Framework Longstanding rules and standards in accounting and auditing have established independence as a critical professional criterion—and even cornerstone—for CPA audit and review services 미리보기
Dezoort, F. Todd; Holt, Travis; Taylor, Mark Risk Management Association 2016
75 저널기사 The Impact of SEC Disclosure Monitoring on the Uncertainty of Fair Value Estimates 미리보기
Bens, Daniel A.; Cheng, Mei; Neamtiu, Monica American Accounting Association. 2016
76 저널기사 Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality 미리보기
Khan, Mozaffar; Serafeim, George; Yoon, Aaron American Accounting Association. 2016
77 저널기사 Quality and Accountability in Health Care Delivery: Audit-Study Evidence from Primary Care in India 미리보기
Das, Jishnu; Holla, Alaka; Mohpal, Aakash; Muralidharan, Karthik American Economic Association 2016
78 저널기사 Measuring Qualitative Information in Capital Markets Research: Comparison of Alternative Methodologies to Measure Disclosure Tone 미리보기
Henry, Elaine; Leone, Andrew J. American Accounting Association. 2016
79 저널기사 The Effects of Regulatory Scrutiny on Tax Avoidance: An Examination of SEC Comment Letters 미리보기
Kubick, Thomas R.; Lynch, Daniel P.; Mayberry, Michael A.; Omer, Thomas C. American Accounting Association. 2016
80 저널기사 Annual Report and Editorial Commentary for The Accounting Review 미리보기
unknown American Accounting Association. 2016
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