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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
2,174건 중 500건 출력
5/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2017 삭제
2017 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Economic evaluation of farming systems for agricultural production in southern Rajasthan 미리보기
Hari Singh;S.S. Burark;S.K. Sharma;D.K. Jajoria;R.P. Sharma New Delhi Publishers 2017
42 저널기사 Stakeholder analysis in paddy processing chain of southern Tamil Nadu 미리보기
V.M. Indumathi;K. Mahendran;S. Moghana Lavanya;S. Hemalatha New Delhi Publishers 2017
43 저널기사 Issues and Challenges of the Health Sector in India 미리보기
Preeti Singh New Delhi Publishers 2017
44 저널기사 Constraint Analysis of Fish Processing in Peri Urban Areas of National Capital Region 미리보기
Reshma Gills;J.P. Sharma;R.R. Burman;R.R. Sharma;Amit Kar New Delhi Publishers 2017
45 저널기사 Hierarchical time-series models for forecasting oilseeds and pulses production in India 미리보기
Dipankar Mitra;Ranjit Kumar Paul;Soumen Pal New Delhi Publishers 2017
46 저널기사 An economic appraisal of strawberry orchard in Meghalaya 미리보기
Damewan Muliar;Ram Singh;S.M. Feroze New Delhi Publishers 2017
47 저널기사 Forecasting of pearl millet productivity in Gujarat under time series framework 미리보기
Satvinder Kour;U.K. Pradhan;Ranjit Kumar Paul;P.R. Vaishnav New Delhi Publishers 2017
48 저널기사 Growth rates and decomposition analysis of onion production in Rajasthan state of India 미리보기
Hemant Sharma;T.B. Parihar;Kalpana Kapadia New Delhi Publishers 2017
49 저널기사 A comparative Analysis of DSR Technology Vs. Transplanted Method in Haryana 미리보기
Ravinder Kumar;S.C. Batra New Delhi Publishers 2017
50 저널기사 Poverty Alleviation through Wage Employment: Synergies and Trade-off with Agricultural Productivity 미리보기
Pushpa;Smita Sirohi;Bulbul G. Nagrale;Janailin Papang New Delhi Publishers 2017
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