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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 An Adaptive Functional Autoregressive Forecast Model to Predict Electricity Price Curves 미리보기
Chen, Ying; Li, Bo American Statistical Association 2017
32 저널기사 Using Entropic Tilting to Combine BVAR Forecasts With External Nowcasts 미리보기
Krüger, Fabian; Clark, Todd E.; Ravazzolo, Francesco American Statistical Association 2017
33 저널기사 LM Test of Neglected Correlated Random Effects and Its Application 미리보기
Hahn, Jinyong; Moon, Hyungsik Roger; Snider, Connan American Statistical Association 2017
34 저널기사 On Mixture Double Autoregressive Time Series Models 미리보기
Li, Guodong; Zhu, Qianqian; Liu, Zhao; Li, Wai Keung American Statistical Association 2017
35 저널기사 Sharp Threshold Detection Based on Sup-Norm Error Rates in High-Dimensional Models 미리보기
Callot, Laurent; Caner, Mehmet; Kock, Anders Bredahl; Riquelme, Juan Andres American Statistical Association 2017
36 저널기사 Enhancing Estimation for Interest Rate Diffusion Models With Bond Prices 미리보기
Zou, Tao; Chen, Song Xi American Statistical Association 2017
37 저널기사 Risk Measure Inference 미리보기
Hurlin, Christophe; Laurent, Sébastien; Quaedvlieg, Rogier; Smeekes, Stephan American Statistical Association 2017
38 저널기사 Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Under Model Instability 미리보기
Pettenuzzo, Davide; Timmermann, Allan American Statistical Association 2017
39 저널기사 Inferring the Predictability Induced by a Persistent Regressor in a Predictive Threshold Model 미리보기
Gonzalo, Jesùs; Pitarakis, Jean-Yves American Statistical Association 2017
40 저널기사 Threshold Estimation via Group Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm 미리보기
Chan, Ngai Hang; Ing, Ching-Kang; Li, Yuanbo; Yau, Chun Yip American Statistical Association 2017
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