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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
7건 중 7건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2017 삭제
Duke University Press] 삭제
Duke University Press] 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Constructing Markets: Environmental Economics and the Contingent Valuation Controversy 미리보기
Banzhaf, H. Spencer Duke University Press] 2017
2 저널기사 The Age of the Applied Economist: The Transformation of Economics since the 1970s 미리보기
Backhouse, Roger E.; Cherrier, Béatrice Duke University Press] 2017
3 저널기사 From Economic to Social Regulation: How the Deregulatory Moment Strengthened Economists' Policy Position 미리보기
Berman, Elizabeth Popp Duke University Press] 2017
4 저널기사 ``It's Computers, Stupid!'' The Spread of Computers and the Changing Roles of Theoretical and Applied Economics 미리보기
Backhouse, Roger E.; Cherrier, Béatrice Duke University Press] 2017
5 저널기사 Theory and Practice in Development Economics 미리보기
Alacevich, Michele Duke University Press] 2017
6 저널기사 Walker and van Daal, trans. and eds., Léon Walras, Elements of Theoretical Economics or the Theory of Social Wealth 미리보기
Baranzini, Roberto Duke University Press] 2017
7 저널기사 Modeling Economic Growth: Domar on Moving Equilibrium 미리보기
Boianovsky, Mauro Duke University Press] 2017
