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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Aggregate wages of players and performance in Italian Serie A 미리보기
Caruso, R.; Di Domizio, M.; Rossignoli, D. Mulino 2017
12 저널기사 Informal state–business connections, institutions, and economic growth 미리보기
Sabry, M. I. Mulino 2017
13 저널기사 The impact of immigration on output and its components: a sectoral analysis for Italy at regional level 미리보기
Etzo, I.; Massidda, C.; Mattana, P.; Piras, R. Mulino 2017
14 저널기사 Nonlinear impacts of debt ratio and term spread on inward FDI performance persistence 미리보기
Wu, P. C.; Chang, C. J. Mulino 2017
15 저널기사 Family splitting versus joint taxation: a case-study 미리보기
Verzillo, S.; Santoro, A.; Mezzanzanica, M. Mulino 2017
16 저널기사 Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act 미리보기
Cirillo, V.; Fana, M.; Guarascio, D. Mulino 2017
17 저널기사 Factors affecting trade deficit in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh 미리보기
Hassan, M. S.; Wajid, A.; Kalim, R. Mulino 2017
18 저널기사 After the crisis, the meaning of new growth 미리보기
Padoan, P. C. Mulino 2017
19 저널기사 Fiscal autonomy vs. fiscal federalism in the euro zone 미리보기
Hughes Hallett, A. Mulino 2017
20 저널기사 The catalogue of Piero Sraffa’s library: what can we learn from a bibliophile and his philological rigor? 미리보기
Erreygers, G.; Rotondi, C. Mulino 2017
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