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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Intangible resources: the relevance of training for European firms’ innovative performance 미리보기
Ciriaci, D. Mulino 2017
22 저널기사 A policymaker’s guide to a Euro area stabilization fund 미리보기
Farvaque, E.; Huart, F. Mulino 2017
23 저널기사 Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy 미리보기
Bettarelli, L.; Iannantuoni, G.; Manzoni, E.; Rossi, F. Mulino 2017
24 저널기사 A new look at oil price pass-through into inflation: evidence from disaggregated European data 미리보기
Castro, C. s.; Jiménez-Rodríguez, R.; Poncela, P.; Senra, E. Mulino 2017
25 저널기사 Europe means more than just crisis 미리보기
Rompuy, H. Mulino 2017
26 저널기사 Effectiveness and efficiency of European Regional Development Fund on separate waste collection: evidence from Italian regions by a stochastic frontier approach 미리보기
Agovino, M.; Casaccia, M.; Crociata, A. Mulino 2017
27 저널기사 Euro area macroeconomic imbalances and their asymmetric reversal: the link between financial integration and income inequality 미리보기
Marzinotto, B. Mulino 2017
28 저널기사 Individual and institutional determinants of corruption in the EU countries: the problem of its tolerance 미리보기
Hunady, J. Mulino 2017
29 저널기사 Environmental tax reform and the potential implications of tax base erosions in the context of emission reduction targets and demographic change 미리보기
Speck, S. Mulino 2017
30 저널기사 Bargaining agenda in a unionised monopoly with network effects: when corporate social responsibility may be welfare-reducing 미리보기
Fanti, L.; Buccella, D. Mulino 2017
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