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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 An Investigation of Pooled Purchasing as a Source of Value Creation in Diversifying Acquisitions 미리보기
Greene, Daniel; Kini, Omesh; Shenoy, Jaideep University of Chicago Press 2017
32 저널기사 Rights without Resources: The Impact of Constitutional Social Rights on Social Spending 미리보기
Chilton, Adam; Versteeg, Mila University of Chicago Press 2017
33 저널기사 One Size Does Not Fit All: Multiple Dimensions of Ability, College Attendance, and Earnings 미리보기
Prada, María F.; Urzúa, Sergio University of Chicago Press 2017
34 저널기사 Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarities beyond the Household 미리보기
Georges-Kot, Simon; Goux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric University of Chicago Press 2017
35 저널기사 Measurement Error in Income and Schooling and the Bias of Linear Estimators 미리보기
Bingley, Paul; Martinello, Alessandro University of Chicago Press 2017
36 저널기사 Giving College Credit Where It Is Due: Advanced Placement Exam Scores and College Outcomes 미리보기
Smith, Jonathan; Hurwitz, Michael; Avery, Christopher University of Chicago Press 2017
37 저널기사 Productivity Spillovers in Team Production: Evidence from Professional Basketball 미리보기
Arcidiacono, Peter; Kinsler, Josh; Price, Joseph University of Chicago Press 2017
38 저널기사 The Effect of Work First Job Placements on the Distribution of Earnings: An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Approach 미리보기
Autor, David H.; Houseman, Susan N.; Kerr, Sari Pekkala University of Chicago Press 2017
39 저널기사 Housing Wealth, Property Taxes, and Labor Supply among the Elderly 미리보기
Zhao, Lingxiao; Burge, Gregory University of Chicago Press 2017
40 저널기사 Salience and Social Security Benefits 미리보기
Brinch, Christian N.; Hernæs, Erik; Jia, Zhiyang University of Chicago Press 2017
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