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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Access to 4-Year Public Colleges and Degree Completion 미리보기
Goodman, Joshua; Hurwitz, Michael; Smith, Jonathan University of Chicago Press 2017
42 저널기사 Determinants of the Match between Student Ability and College Quality 미리보기
Dillon, Eleanor Wiske; Smith, Jeffrey Andrew University of Chicago Press 2017
43 저널기사 Life-Cycle Earnings, Education Premiums, and Internal Rates of Return 미리보기
Bhuller, Manudeep; Mogstad, Magne; Salvanes, Kjell G. University of Chicago Press 2017
44 저널기사 The Distribution of Lifetime Earnings Returns to College 미리보기
Nybom, Martin University of Chicago Press 2017
45 저널기사 How Does Legal Enforceability Affect Consumer Lending? Evidence from a Natural Experiment 미리보기
Honigsberg, Colleen; Jackson, Robert J.; Squire, Richard University of Chicago Press 2017
46 저널기사 Political Bias in Corporate News: The Role of Conglomeration Reform in China 미리보기
Piotroski, Joseph D.; Wong, T. J.; Zhang, Tianyu University of Chicago Press 2017
47 저널기사 Whistle-Blowers on the Board? The Role of Independent Directors in Cartel Prosecutions 미리보기
Campello, Murillo; Ferrés, Daniel; Ormazabal, Gaizka University of Chicago Press 2017
48 저널기사 Parental and Child Time Investments and the Cognitive Development of Adolescents 미리보기
Del Boca, Daniela; Monfardini, Chiara; Nicoletti, Cheti University of Chicago Press 2017
49 저널기사 The Economics of the Right to Be Forgotten 미리보기
Kim, Byung-Cheol; Kim, Jin Yeub University of Chicago Press 2017
50 저널기사 The Unintended Impact of Pretrial Detention on Case Outcomes: Evidence from New York City Arraignments 미리보기
Leslie, Emily; Pope, Nolan G. University of Chicago Press 2017
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