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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
2,174건 중 500건 출력
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2017 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
301 저널기사 Multimarket Exit, Strategic Merger, and Collusion 미리보기
Liu, Zhiyong J. C. B. Mohr 2017
302 저널기사 Foreign Direct Investment and International R&D Spillovers in OECD Countries Revisited 미리보기
Kim, Suyi; Park, Jungsoo J. C. B. Mohr 2017
303 저널기사 The Governance of Perpetual Financial Intermediaries 미리보기
Penalva, José; van Bommel, Jos J. C. B. Mohr 2017
304 저널기사 Limited Communication and Responsibility Budgeting 미리보기
Shin, Dongsoo; Yun, Sungho J. C. B. Mohr 2017
305 저널기사 Private Property Rights and Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from the 2004 Constitutional Amendment in China 미리보기
An, Zhiyong J. C. B. Mohr 2017
306 저널기사 Ang, Yuen Yuen. How China Escaped the Poverty Trap 미리보기
Berkowitz, Daniel American Economic Association] 2017
307 저널기사 Legislative Cycles in a Semipresidential System 미리보기
Padovano, Fabio; Gavoille, Nicolas J. C. B. Mohr 2017
308 저널기사 The Moral-Hazard Effect of Liquidated Damages: An Experiment on Contract Remedies: Comment 미리보기
Engel, Christoph J. C. B. Mohr 2017
309 저널기사 Allocation of Liability: On the Efficiency of Composite Sharing Rules: Comment 미리보기
Schweizer, Urs J. C. B. Mohr 2017
310 저널기사 Efficient Compensation: Lessons from Civil Liability: Comment 미리보기
Lando, Henrik J. C. B. Mohr 2017
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