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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
301 저널기사 Flexibilizing and Customizing Education using Inverted Classroom Model 미리보기
Engel, Manuela; Heinz, Matthias; Sonntag, Ralph Auerbach 2017
302 저널기사 Going Public: Using the Cloud to Improve Project Delivery 미리보기
Taylor, Joseph Auerbach 2017
303 저널기사 A Synergetic Model for Implementing Big Data in Organizations: An Empirical Study 미리보기
Halaweh, Mohanad; El Massry, Ahmed IGI GLOBAL 2017
304 저널기사 Growing Apart: The Changing Firm-Size Wage Premium and Its Inequality Consequences 미리보기
Cobb, J. Adam; Lin, Ken-Hou Institute of Management Sciences 2017
305 저널기사 Evading the Boomerang Effect: Using the Grant-Back Clause to Further Generative Appropriability from Technology Licensing Deals 미리보기
Laursen, Keld; Moreira, Solon; Reichstein, Toke; Leone, Maria Isabella Institute of Management Sciences 2017
306 저널기사 Location choice of Spanish multinational firms in developing and transition economies 미리보기
Martí, Josep; Alguacil, Maite; Orts, Vicente North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 2017
307 저널기사 Assessment of market reaction on the share performance on the basis of its visualization in 2D space 미리보기
Vaiciulyte, Ingrida; Kalsyte, Zivile; Sakalauskas, Leonidas; Plikynas, Darius North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 2017
308 저널기사 Concept, motives and channels of digital shadow economy: consumers’ attitude 미리보기
Gasparėnienė, Ligita; Remeikienė, Rita; Schneider, Friedrich Georg North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 2017
309 저널기사 Modeling credit approval data with neural networks: an experimental investigation and optimization 미리보기
Guotai, Chi; Abedin, Mohammad Zoynul; Moula, Fahmida–E North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 2017
310 저널기사 Guest Editors' Introduction: Ethical Management of Intangible Assets in Contemporary Organizations 미리보기
Gambetti, Rossella C.; Melewar, T. C.; Martin, Kelly D. Philosophy Documentation Center 2017
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