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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
5,825건 중 500건 출력
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2018 삭제
2018 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Estimation of Growth Trends and Impact Assessment of National Food Security Mission on Chickpea Production in India 미리보기
Nanda Kumar Maharjan;D.K. Grover New Delhi Publishers 2018
22 저널기사 Extent of Yield Gap and Constraints in Different Adoption Level of Chickpea in Madhya Pradesh 미리보기
R.S. Raghuwanshi;Suresh Chawada;Ravi Singh Chouhan New Delhi Publishers 2018
23 저널기사 Millets’ Consumption Probability and Demand in India: An Application of Heckman Sample Selection Model 미리보기
M. Umanath;R. Balasubramaniam;R. Paramasivam New Delhi Publishers 2018
24 저널기사 Analysis of Factors Triggering Distress Migration in Bundelkhand Region of Central India 미리보기
A.R. Anuja;Amit Kar;Pramod Kumar;G.K. Jha;B.K. Singh New Delhi Publishers 2018
25 저널기사 Social Costs and Benefits Analysis of Drip Irrigation System in Northern Maharashtra 미리보기
Subrata Gorain;D.R. Singh;Pramod Kumar;P. Venkatesh;G.K. Jha New Delhi Publishers 2018
26 저널기사 Socio-personal and Economic Analysis of Apiculture Enterprise in Hadauoti Region of Rajasthan 미리보기
T.C. Verma;K.C. Meena;Subhash Aswal;D.K. Singh New Delhi Publishers 2018
27 저널기사 Production and Growth of Pulses in Telangana State: An Economic Analysis 미리보기
Raju Guntukula New Delhi Publishers 2018
28 저널기사 Supply-Demand Gap Analysis and Projection for Major Pulses in India 미리보기
Vilas Jadhav;N Mallikarjuna Swamy;C.P. Gracy New Delhi Publishers 2018
29 저널기사 Population Ageing in India and West Bengal among Scheduled Castes (SC) Population 미리보기
Archita Nayak;K.K. Bagchi New Delhi Publishers 2018
30 저널기사 Diagnostic Analysis of Technology Adoption and Factors Influencing Adoption Level of Tribal Farmers of Madhya Pradesh 미리보기
P.K. Mishra;R.G. Upadhyay;A.D. Upadhyay New Delhi Publishers 2018
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