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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
311 저널기사 A Macroeconomic Approach to Optimal Unemployment Insurance: Applications 미리보기
Landais, Camille; Michaillat, Pascal; Saez, Emmanuel American Economic Association 2018
312 저널기사 Consumer Price Search and Platform Design in Internet Commerce 미리보기
Dinerstein, Michael; Einav, Liran; Levin, Jonathan; Sundaresan, Neel American Economic Association 2018
313 저널기사 Firms, Informality, and Development: Theory and Evidence from Brazil 미리보기
Ulyssea, Gabriel American Economic Association 2018
314 저널기사 Trucks without Bailouts: Equilibrium Product Characteristics for Commercial Vehicles 미리보기
Wollmann, Thomas G. American Economic Association 2018
315 저널기사 The Price of Prejudice 미리보기
Hedegaard, Morten Størling; Tyran, Jean-Robert American Economic Association 2018
316 저널기사 Do Free Trade Agreements Affect Tariffs of Nonmember Countries? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation 미리보기
Saggi, Kamal; Stoyanov, Andrey; Yildiz, Halis Murat American Economic Association 2018
317 저널기사 Strategic Patient Discharge: The Case of Long-Term Care Hospitals 미리보기
Eliason, Paul J.; Grieco, Paul L. E.; McDevitt, Ryan C.; Roberts, James W. American Economic Association 2018
맨앞 이전 31 32 
