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2018 삭제
Academy of Management 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 From the Editors—New Ways of Seeing through Qualitative Research 미리보기
Bansal, Pratima; Smith, Wendy K.; Vaara, Eero Academy of Management 2018
12 저널기사 Watching the Clock: Action Timing, Patterning, and Routine Performance 미리보기
Turner, Scott F.; Rindova, Violina P. Academy of Management 2018
13 저널기사 Trusting the ``Look and Feel'': Situational Normality, Situational Aesthetics, and the Perceived Trustworthiness of Organizations 미리보기
Baer, Michael D.; van der Werff, Lisa; Colquitt, Jason A.; Rodell, Jessica B.; Zipay, Kate P.; Buckley, Finian Academy of Management 2018
14 저널기사 Safe Bets or Hot Hands? How Status and Celebrity Influence Strategic Alliance Formations by Newly Public Firms 미리보기
Hubbard, Timothy D.; Pollock, Timothy G.; Pfarrer, Michael D.; Rindova, Violina P. Academy of Management 2018
15 저널기사 Strategizing and the Initiation of Interorganizational Collaboration through Prospective Resourcing 미리보기
Deken, Fleur; Berends, Hans; Gemser, Gerda; Lauche, Kristina Academy of Management 2018
16 저널기사 An Examination of the Firm-level Performance Impact of Cluster Hiring in Knowledge-intensive Firms 미리보기
Eckardt, Rory; Skaggs, Bruce C.; Lepak, David P. Academy of Management 2018
17 저널기사 It's Not Easy Building Green: The Impact of Public Policy, Private Actors, and Regional Logics on Voluntary Standards Adoption 미리보기
York, Jeffrey G.; Vedula, Siddharth; Lenox, Michael J. Academy of Management 2018
18 저널기사 The Pivot: How Founders Respond to Feedback through Idea and Identity Work 미리보기
Grimes, Matthew G. Academy of Management 2018
19 저널기사 Short Seller Influence on Firm Growth: A Threat Rigidity Perspective 미리보기
Shi, Wei; Connelly, Brian L.; Cirik, Kubilay Academy of Management 2018
20 저널기사 Compromised Ethics in Hiring Processes? How Referrers' Power Affects Employees' Reactions to Referral Practices 미리보기
Derfler-Rozin, Rellie; Baker, Bradford; Gino, Francesca Academy of Management 2018
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