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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Saving by Default: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural India 미리보기
Somville, Vincent; Vandewalle, Lore American Economic Association 2018
62 저널기사 Emotional Judges and Unlucky Juveniles 미리보기
Eren, Ozkan; Mocan, Naci American Economic Association 2018
63 저널기사 How Do Changes in Housing Voucher Design Affect Rent and Neighborhood Quality? 미리보기
Collinson, Robert; Ganong, Peter American Economic Association 2018
64 저널기사 The Role of Information in Disability Insurance Application: An Analysis of the Social Security Statement Phase-In 미리보기
Armour, Philip American Economic Association 2018
65 저널기사 Cheating and Incentives: Learning from a Policy Experiment 미리보기
Martinelli, César; Parker, Susan W.; Pérez-Gea, Ana Cristina; Rodrigo, Rodimiro American Economic Association 2018
66 저널기사 Paternalism against Veblen: Optimal Taxation and Non-respected Preferences for Social Comparisons 미리보기
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof American Economic Association 2018
67 저널기사 Trickle-Down Ethnic Politics: Drunk and Absent in the Kenya Police Force (1957—1970) 미리보기
Vanden Eynde, Oliver; Kuhn, Patrick M.; Moradi, Alexander American Economic Association 2018
68 저널기사 If Technology Has Arrived Everywhere, Why Has Income Diverged? 미리보기
Comin, Diego; Mestieri, Martí American Economic Association 2018
69 저널기사 Government Spending Multipliers under the Zero Lower Bound: Evidence from Japan 미리보기
Miyamoto, Wataru; Nguyen, Thuy Lan; Sergeyev, Dmitriy American Economic Association 2018
70 저널기사 A Model of Endogenous Loan Quality and the Collapse of the Shadow Banking System 미리보기
Ferrante, Francesco American Economic Association 2018
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