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2018 삭제
American Marketing Association 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Cycling into Headwinds: Analyzing Practices That Inhibit Sustainability 미리보기
Scheurenbrand, Klara; Parsons, Elizabeth; Cappellini, Benedetta; Patterson, Anthony American Marketing Association 2018
22 저널기사 When Showrooming Increases Retailer Profit 미리보기
Kuksov, Dmitri; Liao, Chenxi American Marketing Association] 2018
23 저널기사 Relationship Governance Dynamics: The Roles of Partner Selection Efforts and Mutual Investments 미리보기
Wathne, Kenneth H.; Heide, Jan B.; Mooi, Erik A.; Kumar, Alok American Marketing Association] 2018
24 저널기사 When Does Partitioned Pricing Lead to More Favorable Consumer Preferences? Meta-Analytic Evidence 미리보기
Abraham, Ajay T.; Hamilton, Rebecca W. American Marketing Association] 2018
25 저널기사 Customer-Based Corporate Valuation for Publicly Traded Noncontractual Firms 미리보기
McCarthy, Daniel M.; Fader, Peter S. American Marketing Association] 2018
26 저널기사 Egocentric Improvement Evaluations: Change in the Self as an Anchor for Brand Improvement Judgments 미리보기
Dagogo-Jack, Sokiente W.; Forehand, Mark R. American Marketing Association] 2018
27 저널기사 Misresponse to Survey Questions: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Test of the Effects of Reversals, Negations, and Polar Opposite Core Concepts 미리보기
Baumgartner, Hans; Weijters, Bert; Pieters, Rik American Marketing Association] 2018
28 저널기사 ``They Were Built to Last'': Anticonsumption and the Materiality of Waste in Obsolete Buildings 미리보기
Anderson, Stephanie; Hamilton, Kathy; Tonner, Andrea American Marketing Association 2018
29 저널기사 The Relative Influence of Economic and Relational Direct Marketing Communications on Buying Behavior in Business-to-Business Markets 미리보기
Kim, Kihyun Hannah; Kumar, V. American Marketing Association] 2018
30 저널기사 TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting 미리보기
Deng, Yiting; Mela, Carl F. American Marketing Association] 2018
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