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2018 삭제
American Marketing Association 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Unpacking the Relationship Between Sales Control and Salesperson Performance: A Regulatory Fit Perspective 미리보기
Katsikeas, Constantine S.; Auh, Seigyoung; Spyropoulou, Stavroula; Menguc, Bulent American Marketing Association 2018
42 저널기사 When Does Market Share Matter? New Empirical Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of the Market Share—Performance Relationship 미리보기
Edeling, Alexander; Himme, Alexander American Marketing Association 2018
43 저널기사 Sales-to-Marketing Job Transitions 미리보기
Johnson, Jeff S.; Matthes, Joseph M. American Marketing Association 2018
44 저널기사 Video Content Marketing: The Making of Clips 미리보기
Liu, Xuan; Shi, Savannah Wei; Teixeira, Thales; Wedel, Michel American Marketing Association 2018
45 저널기사 Transformative Marketing: The Next 20 Years 미리보기
Kumar, V. American Marketing Association 2018
46 저널기사 Do Consumers Always Spend More When Coupon Face Value is Larger? The Inverted U-Shaped Effect of Coupon Face Value on Consumer Spending Level 미리보기
Jia, He; Yang, Sha; Lu, Xianghua; Park, C. Whan American Marketing Association 2018
47 저널기사 Strategic Information Transmission in Peer-to-Peer Lending Markets 미리보기
Caldieraro, Fabio; Zhang, Jonathan Z.; Cunha, Marcus; Shulman, Jeffrey D. American Marketing Association 2018
48 저널기사 An Empirical Analysis of the Joint Effects of Shoppers' Goals and Attribute Display on Shoppers' Evaluations 미리보기
Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Bhowmick, Sandeep; Nordfält, Jens American Marketing Association 2018
49 저널기사 A Study of Bidding Behavior in Voluntary-Pay Philanthropic Auctions 미리보기
Haruvy, Ernan; Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski American Marketing Association 2018
50 저널기사 The Role of the Partner Brand's Social Media Power in Brand Alliances 미리보기
Kupfer, Ann-Kristin; Holte, Nora Pähler vor der; Kübler, Raoul V.; Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten American Marketing Association 2018
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