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2018 삭제
American Marketing Association 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Man Versus Machine: Resisting Automation in Identity-Based Consumer Behavior 미리보기
Leung, Eugina; Paolacci, Gabriele; Puntoni, Stefano American Marketing Association] 2018
72 저널기사 The Relationships of Competition and Demographics to the Pricing of Health Insurance Premiums in Affordable Care Act—Era Health Insurance Markets 미리보기
O Connor, Genevieve E. American Marketing Association 2018
73 저널기사 Best in Class or Simply the Best? The Impact of Absolute Versus Relative Ecolabeling Approaches 미리보기
Hille, Stefanie Lena; Geiger, Christian; Loock, Moritz; Peloza, John American Marketing Association 2018
74 저널기사 Integrating Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Producers with High-Income Markets: Designing Institutional Arrangements for West African Shea Nut Butter Producers 미리보기
Adekambi, Souleimane A.; Ingenbleek, Paul T. M.; van Trijp, Hans C. M. American Marketing Association 2018
75 저널기사 Should I Buy This When I Have So Much? Reflection on Personal Possessions as an Anticonsumption Strategy 미리보기
Dholakia, Utpal; Jung, Jihye; Chowdhry, Nivriti American Marketing Association 2018
76 저널기사 Sales Force Downsizing and Firm-Idiosyncratic Risk: The Contingent Role of Investors' Screening and Firm's Signaling Processes 미리보기
Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G.; Mullins, Ryan; Avramidis, Panagiotis American Marketing Association 2018
77 저널기사 When Back of Pack Meets Front of Pack: How Salient and Simplified Nutrition Labels Affect Food Sales in Supermarkets 미리보기
Elshiewy, Ossama; Boztug, Yasemin American Marketing Association 2018
78 저널기사 Consumer Response to Disclosures in Digitally Retouched Advertisements 미리보기
Schirmer, Nadine A.; Schwaiger, Manfred; Taylor, Charles R.; Costello, John P. American Marketing Association 2018
79 저널기사 Mirror, Mirror on the Retail Wall: Self-Focused Attention Promotes Reliance on Feelings in Consumer Decisions 미리보기
Chang, Hannah H.; Hung, Iris W. American Marketing Association] 2018
80 저널기사 Circle of Incompetence: Sense of Understanding as an Improper Guide to Investment Risk 미리보기
Long, Andrew R.; Fernbach, Philip M.; de Langhe, Bart American Marketing Association] 2018
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