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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
69건 중 69건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Francis Karioko Muruatetu v. Republic 미리보기
Mwangi, Jacquelene American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
32 저널기사 A Rule Book on the Shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on Cyberoperations and Subsequent State Practice 미리보기
Efrony, Dan; Shany, Yuval American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
33 저널기사 Barron, David J. Waging War: The Clash Between Presidents and Congress 1776 to ISIS 미리보기
Prakash, Saikrishna Bangalore American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
34 저널기사 Trump Administration Imposes Sanctions on Russia for Chemical Weapons Use, While More Generally Sending Mixed Signals Regarding NATO and Russia 미리보기
unknown American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
35 저널기사 Trump Administration Expels Russian Diplomats and Imposes Russia-Related Sanctions 미리보기
unknown American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
36 저널기사 Historic Meeting in Singapore Marks a Change in Relations Between the United States and North Korea and Generates a North Korean Commitment to Work Toward Denuclearization 미리보기
unknown American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
37 저널기사 Allott, Philip. Eutopia: New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World 미리보기
Falk, Richard American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
38 저널기사 Imperfect Alternatives: Institutional Choice and the Reform of Investment Law 미리보기
Puig, Sergio; Shaffer, Gregory American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
39 저널기사 Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC 23/17 of November 15, 2017 Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the relationship between human rights and the environment 미리보기
Papantoniou, Angeliki American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
40 저널기사 Spiro, Peter J. At Home in Two Countries: The Past and Future of Dual Citizenship 미리보기
Orgad, Liav American Society of International Law [etc.] 2018
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