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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
160건 중 160건 출력
16/16 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2018 삭제
Routledge 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 Why and when organizational culture fosters affective commitment among knowledge workers: the mediating role of perceived psychological contract fulfilment and moderating role of organizational tenure 미리보기
Lee, Jean; Chiang, Flora F. T.; van Esch, Emmy; Cai, Zhenyao Routledge 2018
152 저널기사 A qualitative study of expatriates' perceptions of and process of responses to psychological contract breach 미리보기
Perera, Hasuli Kumarika; Chew, Yin Teng; Nielsen, Ingrid Routledge 2018
153 저널기사 Raising the bar (7) 미리보기
Elhorst, Paul; Abreu, Maria; Amaral, Pedro; Bhattacharjee, Arnab; Corrado, Luisa; Doran, Justin; Fingleton, Bernard; Fuerst, Franz; Garretsen, Harry; Igliori, Danilo; Gallo, Julie Le; McCann, Philip; Monastiriotis, Vassilis; Quatraro, Francesco; Yu, Jihai Routledge 2018
154 저널기사 The benefits of global teams for international organizations: HR implications 미리보기
Mockaitis, Audra I.; Zander, Lena; De Cieri, Helen Routledge 2018
155 저널기사 Attribution theories in Human Resource Management research: a review and research agenda 미리보기
Hewett, Rebecca; Shantz, Amanda; Mundy, Julia; Alfes, Kerstin Routledge 2018
156 저널기사 Held captive in the office: an investigation into long working hours among Korean employees 미리보기
Zhang, Lu; Seo, Jeeyoung Routledge 2018
157 저널기사 A fair go? The gender pay gap among corporate executives in Australian firms 미리보기
Yanadori, Yoshio; Gould, Jill A.; Kulik, Carol T. Routledge 2018
158 저널기사 Expatriates, subsidiary autonomy and the overseas subsidiary performance of MNEs from an emerging economy 미리보기
Tao, Fang; Liu, Xiaohui; Gao, Lan; Xia, Enjun Routledge 2018
159 저널기사 Exploring the development and transfer of career capital in an international governmental organization 미리보기
Dickmann, Michael; Cerdin, Jean-Luc Routledge 2018
160 저널기사 Evaluating rater training with double-pretest one-posttest designs: an analysis of testing effects and the moderating role of rater self-efficacy 미리보기
Moser, Klaus; Kemter, Verena; Wachsmann, Kerstin; Köver, Nora Z.; Soucek, Roman Routledge 2018
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