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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
160건 중 160건 출력
3/16 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2018 삭제
Routledge 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Do high-involvement HRM practices matter for worker creativity? a cross-level approach 미리보기
Shin, Shung Jae; Jeong, Inseong; Bae, Johngseok Routledge 2018
22 저널기사 How much does job autonomy vary across countries and other extra-organizational contexts? 미리보기
van Hoorn, André Routledge 2018
23 저널기사 International business travelers' psychological well-being: the role of supportive HR practices 미리보기
Mäkelä, Liisa; Kinnunen, Ulla Routledge 2018
24 저널기사 Psychological contract fulfillment and expatriate intrinsic career success: the mediating role of identification with the multinational corporation 미리보기
De Ruiter, Melanie; Lub, Xander; Jansma, Ellen; Blomme, Robert J. Routledge 2018
25 저널기사 The flexpatriate psychological contract: a literature review and  future research agenda 미리보기
Pate, Judy; Scullion, Hugh Routledge 2018
26 저널기사 Repatriation and the psychological contract: a Saudi Arabian comparative study 미리보기
Aldossari, Maryam; Robertson, Maxine Routledge 2018
27 저널기사 Organizational inputs to the formation of the expatriate psychological contract: towards an episodic understanding 미리보기
Sherman, Ultan P.; Morley, Michael J. Routledge 2018
28 저널기사 The relationship between perceived training and development and employee retention: the mediating role of work attitudes 미리보기
Fletcher, Luke; Alfes, Kerstin; Robinson, Dilys Routledge 2018
29 저널기사 The presence of a feedback-seeking role model in promoting employee feedback seeking: a moderated mediation model 미리보기
Qian, Jing; Yang, Fu; Han, Zhuo Rachel; Wang, Haiwan; Wang, Jun Routledge 2018
30 저널기사 Raising the bar (8) 미리보기
Elhorst, Paul; Abreu, Maria; Amaral, Pedro; Bhattacharjee, Arnab; Corrado, Luisa; Doran, Justin; Fingleton, Bernard; Fuerst, Franz; Garretsen, Harry; Igliori, Danilo; Gallo, Julie Le; McCann, Philip; Monastiriotis, Vassilis; Quatraro, Francesco; Yu, Jihai Routledge 2018
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