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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
160건 중 160건 출력
6/16 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2018 삭제
Routledge 삭제


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 High-performance human resource practices and firm performance: the mediating role of employees' competencies and the moderating role of climate for creativity 미리보기
van Esch, Emmy; Wei, Li Qun; Chiang, Flora F. T. Routledge 2018
52 저널기사 Managing talent in emerging economy multinationals: integrating strategic management and human resource management 미리보기
Meyer, Klaus E.; Xin, Katherine R. Routledge 2018
53 저널기사 The role of assessment centers in job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a case of the Korean government 미리보기
Jin, Jongsoon Routledge 2018
54 저널기사 Predicting job satisfaction and workers' intentions to leave at the bottom of the high value agricultural chain: evidence from the Ethiopian cut flower industry 미리보기
Staelens, Lotte; Desiere, Sam; Louche, Céline; D'Haese, Marijke Routledge 2018
55 저널기사 Hours underemployment and employee turnover: the moderating role of human resource practices 미리보기
Wang, Jing Routledge 2018
56 저널기사 The relationships between multifoci workplace aggression and work–family conflict 미리보기
Chen, Shu-Chen Routledge 2018
57 저널기사 Repatriates and reverse knowledge transfer in MNCs 미리보기
Sanchez-Vidal, Maria Eugenia; Sanz-Valle, Raquel; Barba-Aragon, Maria Isabel Routledge 2018
58 저널기사 Distance and academic performance in higher education 미리보기
Vieira, Carlos; Vieira, Isabel; Raposo, Luis Routledge 2018
59 저널기사 Human capital resources: a call to retire settled debates and to start a few new debates 미리보기
Nyberg, Anthony; Reilly, Greg; Essman, Spenser; Rodrigues, Jenna Routledge 2018
60 저널기사 Giving a voice to managers: forging the desire line through the creation of informal employee voice channels and productive resistance 미리보기
Mowbray, Paula K. Routledge 2018
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