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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Red Alert: On The Need for More Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Appeals in Advertising 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2018
12 저널기사 The impact of text valence, star rating and rated usefulness in online reviews 미리보기
De Pelsmacker, Patrick; Dens, Nathalie; Kolomiiets, Alona World advertising research center 2018
13 저널기사 Influences of motivations and lifestyles on intentions to use smartphone applications 미리보기
Kim, Juran; Lee, Ki Hoon World advertising research center 2018
14 저널기사 The use of sampling methods in advertising research: a gap between theory and practice 미리보기
Sarstedt, Marko; Bengart, Paul; Shaltoni, Abdel Monim; Lehmann, Sebastian World advertising research center 2018
15 저널기사 The myth of big data: Chinese advertising practitioners' perspective 미리보기
Chen, Huan; Zhou, Liling World advertising research center 2018
16 저널기사 An investigation of the influence of cinema environment on advertising effectiveness 미리보기
Yuan, Sheng World advertising research center 2018
17 저널기사 #Me and brands: understanding brand-selfie posters on social media 미리보기
Sung, Yongjun; Kim, Eunice; Choi, Sejung Marina World advertising research center 2018
18 저널기사 Preannouncement messages: impetus for electronic word-of-mouth 미리보기
Zhang, Hao; Choi, Yung Kyun World advertising research center 2018
19 저널기사 Understanding the effects of different review features on purchase probability 미리보기
Kim, Su Jung; Maslowska, Ewa; Malthouse, Edward C. World advertising research center 2018
20 저널기사 The current state of knowledge on electronic word-of-mouth in advertising research 미리보기
Chu, Shu-Chuan; Kim, Juran World advertising research center 2018
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