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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Global Consumer Culture and Advertising Research 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2018
22 저널기사 The sweet smell of advertising: the essence of matching scents with other ad cues 미리보기
Gvili, Yaniv; Levy, Shalom; Zwilling, Moty World advertising research center 2018
23 저널기사 Family-based treatment for obesity in tweens: a three-year longitudinal follow-up study 미리보기
Cheon, Hongsik J.; Fraser, Jay R.; Nguyen, Trang Kieu World advertising research center 2018
24 저널기사 Explaining the use and effects of humour in advertising: an evolutionary perspective 미리보기
Eisend, Martin World advertising research center 2018
25 저널기사 Using humour to increase effectiveness of shameful health issue advertising: testing the effects of health worry level 미리보기
Yoon, Hye Jin World advertising research center 2018
26 저널기사 Trust in online recommendations: an evolutionary psychology perspective 미리보기
Prendergast, Gerard; Paliwal, Aishwarya; Chan, Kelvyn Ka Fuk World advertising research center 2018
27 저널기사 The effect of exposure to sexual appeals in advertisements on memory, attitude, and purchase intention: a meta-analytic review 미리보기
Wirtz, John G.; Sparks, Johnny V.; Zimbres, Thais M. World advertising research center 2018
28 저널기사 Children's attitudinal and behavioral reactions to product placements: investigating the role of placement frequency, placement integration, and parental mediation 미리보기
Naderer, Brigitte; Matthes, Jörg; Marquart, Franziska; Mayrhofer, Mira World advertising research center 2018
29 저널기사 How consumers' values influence responses to male and female gender role stereotyping in advertising 미리보기
De Meulenaer, Sarah; Dens, Nathalie; De Pelsmacker, Patrick; Eisend, Martin World advertising research center 2018
30 저널기사 Propaganda strategies of Korean war-era leaflets 미리보기
Kim, Sora; Haley, Eric World advertising research center 2018
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