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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Product placement practices in prime-time television programmes in Hong Kong 미리보기
Fong Yee Chan, Fanny; Lowe, Ben World advertising research center 2018
32 저널기사 The new era of electronic word of mouth (eWOM): 'Be More Chill' overrules the critics 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2018
33 저널기사 Caring for her: the influence of presumed influence on female consumers' attitudes towards advertising featuring gender-stereotyped portrayals 미리보기
Åkestam, Nina World advertising research center 2018
34 저널기사 Look at that body! How anthropomorphic package shapes systematically appeal to consumers 미리보기
De Bondt, Caroline; Van Kerckhove, Anneleen; Geuens, Maggie World advertising research center 2018
35 저널기사 The impact of creative media advertising on consumer responses: two field experiments 미리보기
Rauwers, Fabiënne; Remmelswaal, Paola; Fransen, Marieke L.; Dahlén, Micael; van Noort, Guda World advertising research center 2018
36 저널기사 Understanding programmatic TV advertising 미리보기
Malthouse, Edward C.; Maslowska, Ewa; Franks, Judy U. World advertising research center 2018
37 저널기사 How advertising in offline media drives reach of and engagement with brands on Facebook 미리보기
Voorveld, Hilde A. M.; Araujo, Theo; Bernritter, Stefan F.; Rietberg, Edwin; Vliegenthart, Rens World advertising research center 2018
38 저널기사 Modelling the dimensionality effects on brand placement effectiveness in stereoscopic 3-D versus 2-D sports games 미리보기
Yim, Mark Yi-Cheon; Abdourazakou, Yann; Sauer, Paul L.; Park, Sun-Young World advertising research center 2018
39 저널기사 Old meets new: how researchers can use existing knowledge to explain advertising in new media 미리보기
Eisend, Martin World advertising research center 2018
40 저널기사 Let's Get Real (Time)! The potential of real-time marketing to catalyze the sharing of brand messages 미리보기
Willemsen, Lotte M.; Mazerant, Komala; Kamphuis, Anne-Lise; van der Veen, Gerrita World advertising research center 2018
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