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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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2018 삭제


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 法務部門 アクセンチュア株式会社 法務部 미리보기
竹田 絵美 レクシスネクシス・ジャパン 2018
152 저널기사 2017総括 法務担当者5人による購入書籍 分野別批評会 미리보기
レクシスネクシス・ジャパン 2018
153 저널기사 消費者訴訟 미리보기
森 大樹 レクシスネクシス・ジャパン 2018
154 저널기사 テレワークの推進 미리보기
レクシスネクシス・ジャパン 2018
155 저널기사 Reframing the Decision-Makers' Dilemma: Towards a Social Context Model of Creative Idea Recognition 미리보기
Mueller, Jennifer; Melwani, Shimul; Loewenstein, Jeffrey; Deal, Jennifer J. Academy of Management 2018
156 저널기사 The Mixed Blessing of Leader Sense of Humor: Examining Costs and Benefits 미리보기
Yam, Kai Chi; Christian, Michael S.; Wei, Wu; Liao, Zhenyu; Nai, Jared Academy of Management 2018
157 저널기사 From Mobile Workers to Fellow Citizens and Back Again? The Future Status of EU Citizens in the UK 미리보기
Alessio D'Angelo ; Eleonore Kofman Cambridge University Press 2018
158 저널기사 Some Useful Sources 미리보기
Ania Plomien Cambridge University Press 2018
159 저널기사 Growing Philanthropy through Giving Circles: Collective Giving and the Logic of Charity 미리보기
Angela M. Eikenberry ; Beth Breeze Cambridge University Press 2018
160 저널기사 EU Social and Gender Policy beyond Brexit: Towards the European Pillar of Social Rights 미리보기
Ania Plomien Cambridge University Press 2018
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