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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
2,049건 중 500건 출력
1/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2018 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 연속간행물 OECD economic surveys : economic assessment, Tunisia 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Publishing 2018-
2 연속간행물 산업연구 미리보기
산업연구원 [편] 산업연구원 2018- URL
3 저널기사 Son Preference and Gender-Biased Breastfeeding in Pakistan 미리보기
Naima Hafeez ; Climent Quintana-Domeque University of Chicago Press 2018
4 저널기사 Holy Cows or Cash Cows? The Economic Return to Livestock in Rural India 미리보기
Orazio Attanasio ; Britta Augsburg University of Chicago Press 2018
5 저널기사 Financial Education and Savings Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment among Low-Income Clients of Branchless Banking in India 미리보기
Margherita Calderone ; Nathan Fiala ; Florentina Mulaj ; Santadarshan Sadhu ; Leopold Sarr University of Chicago Press 2018
6 저널기사 You’ll Be a Migrant, My Son: Accounting for Migrant Selection within the Household 미리보기
Isabelle Chort ; Jean-Noël Senne University of Chicago Press 2018
7 저널기사 Election Outcomes and the Poor: Evidence from the Consumption of Scheduled Castes and Tribes in India 미리보기
Sharad Tandon University of Chicago Press 2018
8 저널기사 Measuring Firm-Level Inefficiencies in the Ghanaian Manufacturing Sector 미리보기
Andrea Szabó University of Chicago Press 2018
9 저널기사 Women Are Walking and Waiting for Water: The Time Value of Public Water Supply 미리보기
Elena Gross ; Isabel Günther ; Youdi Schipper University of Chicago Press 2018
10 저널기사 Multidimensional Poverty Targeting 미리보기
Jean-Yves Duclos ; Luca Tiberti ; Abdelkrim Araar University of Chicago Press 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
