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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Frictions in a Competitive, Regulated Market: Evidence from Taxis 미리보기
Fréchette, Guillaume R.; Lizzeri, Alessandro; Salz, Tobias American Economic Association 2019
92 저널기사 Optimal Forward Guidance 미리보기
Bilbiie, Florin O. American Economic Association 2019
93 저널기사 Liquidity Constraints of the Middle Class 미리보기
Campbell, Jeffrey R.; Hercowitz, Zvi American Economic Association 2019
94 저널기사 Information Design 미리보기
Taneva, Ina American Economic Association 2019
95 저널기사 Supporting Community College Students from Start to Degree Completion: Long-Term Evidence from a Randomized Trial of CUNY's ASAP 미리보기
Weiss, Michael J.; Ratledge, Alyssa; Sommo, Colleen; Gupta, Himani American Economic Association 2019
96 저널기사 Medium- and Long-Term Educational Consequences of Alternative Conditional Cash Transfer Designs: Experimental Evidence from Colombia 미리보기
Barrera-Osorio, Felipe; Linden, Leigh L.; Saavedra, Juan E. American Economic Association 2019
97 저널기사 Does Cheap Talk Affect Market Outcomes? Evidence from eBay 미리보기
Elfenbein, Daniel W.; Fisman, Raymond; McManus, Brian American Economic Association 2019
98 저널기사 Delli Gatti, Domenico; Georgio Fagiolo, Mauro Gallegati, Matteo Richiardi, and Alberto Russo, Eds. Agent-Based Models in Economics: A Toolkit 미리보기
Dawid, Herbert American Economic Association] 2019
99 저널기사 Ackerman, Frank. Worst-Case Economics: Extreme Events in Climate and Finance 미리보기
Rezai, Armon American Economic Association] 2019
100 저널기사 Consumers as Tax Auditors 미리보기
Naritomi, Joana American Economic Association 2019
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