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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Quantifying Information and Uncertainty 미리보기
Frankel, Alexander; Kamenica, Emir American Economic Association 2019
122 저널기사 Trade and Income—Exploiting Time Series in Geography 미리보기
Feyrer, James American Economic Association 2019
123 저널기사 Children and Gender Inequality: Evidence from Denmark 미리보기
Kleven, Henrik; Landais, Camille; Søgaard, Jakob Egholt American Economic Association 2019
124 저널기사 Allocating Scarce Organs: How a Change in Supply Affects Transplant Waiting Lists and Transplant Recipients 미리보기
Dickert-Conlin, Stacy; Elder, Todd; Teltser, Keith American Economic Association 2019
125 저널기사 Crises: Equilibrium Shifts and Large Shocks 미리보기
Morris, Stephen; Yildiz, Muhamet American Economic Association 2019
126 저널기사 Comparing UK Tax Returns of Foreign Multinationals to Matched Domestic Firms 미리보기
Bilicka, Katarzyna Anna American Economic Association 2019
127 저널기사 Brands in Motion: How Frictions Shape Multinational Production 미리보기
Head, Keith; Mayer, Thierry American Economic Association 2019
128 저널기사 Externalities and Taxation of Supplemental Insurance: A Study of Medicare and Medigap 미리보기
Cabral, Marika; Mahoney, Neale American Economic Association 2019
129 저널기사 Temperature and Decisions: Evidence from 207, 000 Court Cases 미리보기
Heyes, Anthony; Saberian, Soodeh American Economic Association 2019
130 저널기사 Natural Resources and Global Misallocation 미리보기
Monge-Naranjo, Alexander; Sánchez, Juan M.; Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Raül American Economic Association 2019
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