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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Multidimensional Reasoning in Games: Framework, Equilibrium, and Applications 미리보기
Arad, Ayala; Rubinstein, Ariel American Economic Association 2019
162 저널기사 Pass-Through as a Test for Market Power: An Application to Solar Subsidies 미리보기
Pless, Jacquelyn; van Benthem, Arthur A. American Economic Association 2019
163 저널기사 The Currency Composition of Sovereign Debt 미리보기
Ottonello, Pablo; Perez, Diego J. American Economic Association 2019
164 저널기사 Family Health Behaviors 미리보기
Fadlon, Itzik; Nielsen, Torben Heien American Economic Association 2019
165 저널기사 Slow Moving Debt Crises 미리보기
Lorenzoni, Guido; Werning, Iván American Economic Association 2019
166 저널기사 The Effects of Rent Control Expansion on Tenants, Landlords, and Inequality: Evidence from San Francisco 미리보기
Diamond, Rebecca; McQuade, Tim; Qian, Franklin American Economic Association 2019
167 저널기사 Changes in Between-Group Inequality: Computers, Occupations, and International Trade 미리보기
Burstein, Ariel; Morales, Eduardo; Vogel, Jonathan American Economic Association 2019
168 저널기사 Capital Flows and Foreign Exchange Intervention 미리보기
Cavallino, Paolo American Economic Association 2019
169 저널기사 Direct and Spillover Effects of Middle School Vaccination Requirements 미리보기
Carpenter, Christopher S.; Lawler, Emily C. American Economic Association 2019
170 저널기사 An Estimable Model of Income Redistribution in a Federation: Musgrave Meets Oates 미리보기
Milligan, Kevin; Smart, Michael American Economic Association 2019
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